Dog Tattoos

One may get a tattoo of a dog for various reasons. But, most of the time dog tattoos are a memorial for a beloved pet who has passed on.

dog tattoos
dog tattoos Some breeds represent different characteristics that the person may want to have. Some breeds may represent a reputation that one would like. For example, an APBT advocate may get a tattoo of the breed as a sign of loyalty, strength, and courage, but one who prefers their reputation, may get a tattoo of the same breed with a more viscious demeanor in order to represent power and the fear that is evoked from the breed.

scooby doo dog tattoo
dog tattoos dogs tattoos

dog tattoos dog tattoo designs

dog tattoos dog tattoos

Tattoo Removal Methods

What if you have a tattoo that you really don’t want to live with? Tattoos can be removed, but the procedures are expensive and don’t always produce very good results. There are several different procedures to choose from. Each procedure works best in particular circumstances (depending on the size and location of the tattoo, for instance). If you are considering tattoo removal, do some research. A plastic surgeon or a dermatologist (skin doctor) should be able to help you.

tattoo sexy girl

Methods of tattoo removal include:
• Surgical Removal - where doctors insert a balloon under your skin and cut away the tattoo.
• Dermabrasion - where the doctors sand away your tattoo.
• Salabrasion - where they soak your tattoo in a salt solution to suck out the ink. This may leave some discoloration.
• Scarification - in which they use an acid that removes the tattoo but leaves a scar.
• Laser Surgery where a laser is used to burn away the ink. This is probably the most effective method, but even this method can leave some scarring or discoloration.

All of these methods can be as painful and disfiguring as they sound. If you have a tattoo that you want to hide or remove, covering up with make-up is always an option. There are some heavy, thick products designed for this kind of camouflage.

tattoo sexy girl

tattoo sexy girl

tattoo sexy girl

tattoo sexy girl

tattoo sexy girl

Sexy Girl Chinese Tattoos

sexy girl grafic tattoos
sexy tattoo for girls
with gun tattoo and Chinese character tattoo(天使)on her sexy body.
sexy tattoo for girls

Modernised Tradition of Tattoo

Modern Reawakening of the tradition of Tattoo

Tattoos have experienced resurgence in popularity in many parts of the world, particularly in North America, Japan, and Europe. The growth in tattoo culture has seen an influx of new artists into the industry, many of whom have technical and fine arts training. Coupled with dvancements in tattoo pigments and the ongoing refinement of the equipment used for tattooing, this has led to an improvement in the quality of tattoos being produced.

pictures of tattoo superhero

During the 2000s, the presence of tattoos became evident within pop culture, inspiring television shows such as A&E's Inked and TLC's Miami Ink and LA Ink. The decoration of blues singer Janis Joplin with a wristlet and a small heart on her left breast, by the San Francisco tattoo artist Lyle Tuttle, is taken as a seminal moment in the popular acceptance of tattoos as art. As seen in the 2007 movie Eastern Promises, body art again features heavily, showcasing the ink-embroidered torso of a Russian mobster. Tattoos are generally considered an important part of the culture of the Russian mafia.

pictures of tattoo superhero

pictures of tattoo superhero

pictures of tattoo superhero

In many traditional cultures tattooing has also enjoyed resurgence, partially in deference to cultural heritage. Historically, a decline in traditional tribal tattooing in Europe occurred with the spread of Christianity. However, some Christian groups, such as the Knights of St. John of Malta, sported tattoos to show their allegiance. A decline often occurred in other cultures following European efforts to convert aboriginal and indigenous people to Western religious and cultural practices that held tattooing to be a "pagan" or "heathen" activity. Within some traditional indigenous cultures, tattooing takes place within the context of a rite of passage between adolescence and adulthood.

pictures of tattoo superhero

pictures of tattoo superhero

Mechanic Arm Tattoo

Zombie Mechanic Arm Tattoo
Zombie Mechanic Arm Tattoo

This arm tattoo is one of the more interesting and unique designs I've come accross. It's like a cartoon zombie coming out of flames with a piston and wrench below. Makes me think of some of the artwork you see on monster trucks like Grave Digger

Fairy Tattoo

Fairy Tattoo Design On Woman’s BackFairy Tattoo Design On Woman’s Back
Fairy tattoo designs are pretty popular for females looking for a feminine tattoo idea. Here is a great design on the middle of this woman’s back. A tattoo like this one can’t be too small or else you’ll lose the detail that makes the fairy come to life. So, make sure you’re committed to a fairy tattoo design if you get one!

Great History Of Body Art Tattoos

The history of body art started with prehistoric humans. In the prehistoric era, belief in a soul, guarded by the spirit of another creature, inspired pictures of that creature on the body. The spirit of that creature guarded, gave safety, and led the soul down the path of life. Body art was a way to keep the spirit close, always.

The History of Body Art Tattoos

Throughout time, body art kept its position as a spiritual expression, and it also became an expression of social importance. Native American and African tribes used tattoos and body piercing to express beliefs and stature in society. Chiefs, for instance, had different body markings than an ordinary hunter or any other tribe member. Where a chief may have had a tattoo that symbolized power or resembled a god, a hunter might have had a tattoo that resembled a buffalo or some game he hunted. Piercings and tattoos were signs of accomplishment and membership.

The History of Body Art Tattoos

Certain tattoos stood for positions in the community, and in some cases, every member had some type of body marking that indicated their status. For ceremonies, the elite class donned the trappings of their rank and power. Women in the tribes received a special marking for marriage, to signify they were a spouse. The chief had more tattoos and more piercings because of his stature in the tribe, and the older members of the tribe had more because of age. In many cases, the markings had high, religious significance.

The History of Body Art Tattoos

As time progressed further, body art stayed as an expression of beliefs, but the beliefs and reasons for body art strayed from religion and community stature. Some Americans believe that
body art grew in popularity in the 1960s as a revolt against the formalism of society. Along with that theory, some “flower children” used bodyart to demonstrate the incompleteness of all art. Some got tattoos to express love for another person, orto state a belief about an issue facing society. A quote in an article by Deborah Irmas states that “Tattooing has become an expression of art, a far cry from the times when it was viewed as a ritual of passage in ancient cultures”. Some men, however, got tattoos to demonstrate membership in a gang or group, much like the Native American and African tribes.

The History of Body Art Tattoos

Body art is still used in ancient practices and to show status rankings in tribes like the Surma of Ethiopia. For example, in the Surma tribe, young boys still use lip plates. Lip plates are used to stretch the lips and indicate how many cattle a man’s family will receive from his bride’s family when they are married. The tattoos that women receive when they are married include symbols of prosperity and well-being.

Body art has lasted throughout history and is still important in society. The tribes of Africa keep old traditions alive by continuing to use body art, and Americans use body art to identify themselves and as a form of individuality. In a sense, as society has grown and changed, so has body art.

The History of Body Art Tattoos

Koi Tattoo Designs

KOI TATTOO - Probably surprising to many westerners is the large of amount of ancient myth that surrounds these beautiful fish in the Orient and their elevated status there. Generally known here as the brightly colored fish that are common in public ponds and fountains, carp (koi is Japanese for carp) can be found in colors that include white, yellow, gold, a deep orange, and some are even calico-colored. Particularly beautiful specimens have been known to fetch prices in excess of half-a-million dollars from private collectors who specialize in their breeding and showing.

Koi tattoo

Koi tattoo

Koi tattoo

Zodiac Symbol Tattoos

Tattoo designs of zodiac signs

The tattoo symbols & designs on this page are the 12 classical signs of the Greek /Roman Zodiac. Mankind has been fascinated by the zodiac for millennia, since we first connected the dots between stars and named the constellations. There’s a real romanticism and magnetism to the idea that our lives and actions are all influenced by the celestial heavens. It’s no wonder then that zodiac tattoo designs abound. Not just in America, but around the world. Nearly every single culture has their own version of the zodiac, and there are many different names for astrology around the globe. However, the zodiac form most popular in the United States, in horoscopes, star charts and general conversation is the Greek/Roman zodiac, which is broken down into 12 different signs, each one representing a roughly one month period. Each "sign" has its own meaning, and people who fall under the same sign of the zodiac generally share common traits, weakness and strengths. If you’re considering getting a zodiac tattoo design, here is a little more information on the 12 different signs of the zodiac to give you an idea of their meaning.

The Circle of the Zodiac

zodiac symbol tattoos

zodiac symbol tattoos

In Loving Memory Tattoos

The most common in loving memory tattoo designs are the religious images like cross and angel. The cross is usually intertwined with a heart or rose symbols or "RIP" initials for rest in peace. The date of the death and name of the person are also included in the whole tattoo images as if re-creating a gravestone on their body. Angels are another preferred image as representation of the person who passed away and are commonly placed on the shoulder blade as if symbolizing guidance or protection. Butterflies are also being used by some since during the old days, they are believed to be reincarnation of the soul who passed away. Other figures that are being utilized for this purpose are stars and cherry blossoms which in Japan stand for fleeting moment in one's life.

In Loving Memory Tattoos

Here are some tips and ideas for choosing that perfect design to commemorate a loved one who passed away:
* Coping with the death of a loved one is melancholic enough so it does not necessarily have to be a gloomy "in loving memory tattoos".
* It can be anything from a hobby or favorite flower.
* It can be an adorned painting or title of a song most frequently sung.
* The key is to think of something that will remind you the most of that person you love.
* It might be inconceivable to realize that you can't be with this loved one anymore so go for a design that will bring memories to life .
* Choose a design that will bring a smile to you instead of sadness.

In Loving Memory Tattoos

In Loving Memory Tattoos

In Loving Memory Tattoos

In Loving Memory Tattoos

In Loving Memory Tattoos

Eva Longoria Tattoos

Eva Longoria Parker Tattoos
Eva Longoria Parker Tattoos
What's Eva Longoria-Parker doing with all her free time during the writers' strike? Flauting her love, for one thing. The Desperate Housewives star was spotted with somewhat-cryptic ink on her neck Wednesday. Asked what the tattoo says, a rep for the star tells PEOPLE: "Nine" – that's Tony Parker's jersey number on the San Antonio Spurs.
Eva Longoria Parker Tattoos
Eva Longoria Parker TattoosEva Longoria Parker Tattoos

Eva Longoria Parker Tattoos

Sexy Girl Lower Back Tattoos

A tattoo is a permanent mark made by inserting ink into the skin to change the pigment for decorative or other reasons. Tattoos on humans are a type of decorative body modification, while tattoos on animals are most commonly used for identification or branding.

Tattooing has been practiced worldwide. The Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan, wore facial tattoos, as do some Maori of New Zealand to this day. Tattooing was widespread among Polynesian peoples and among certain tribal groups in the Philippines, Borneo, Mentawai Islands, Africa, North America, South America, Mesoamerica, Europe, Japan, Cambodia, New Zealand and China. Despite some taboos surrounding tattooing, the art continues to be popular in many parts of the world.

Tattoo sexy girl

tattoo sexy girl

Tattoo sexy girl

Tattoo sexy girl

Tattoo sexy girl